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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Cavendish Primary School

welcome to Year 2

In Year 2 we strive to be the very best we can be. We aim to foster a ‘can do’ attitude amongst all pupils and encourage a love of learning. We celebrate our successes big or small and we are aware of our need to be the role models for the rest of Key Stage 1. Year 2 is a very exciting year with lots of things going on throughout the year. We continue to develop our skills and knowledge in creative yet challenging ways that are inclusive for all learners within the year group. The Year Two teaching staff are Mr Burletson (Assistant Head of the 1/2 phase and SEND leader), Miss Whyley (Art and DT Lead), Mrs Proctor (Religion and World Views Lead) and Mr Caton (Computing Lead). The children are supported by Mrs Foston and Mrs Sage.

During Year 2, we also continue to develop our ability to be independent. The pupils are encouraged to take on roles and responsibilities that make them aware that everyone in year 2 has a key role to play. We look upon ourselves as a team - not just a class. We continue to use our own initiative in a wider variety of situations, we begin to plan by thinking strategically before we act. What is more, we reflect on our actions, always seeking to learn from our mistakes and make improvements where possible. We understand that we need to work alone on our work at times but there are times that we need to work together and we love helping one other and sharing our learning with partners and small groups. We help one another and we show kindness by encouraging others. In Year 2 we build our resilience and aim to tackle everything that we are given to do. We do not give up and we learn from our mistakes to improve ourselves as we grow.

Year 2 Newsletters, Knowledge Organisers & KIRFs Documents

Autumn Term:

Autumn Term Newsletter - 2PC letter

Autumn Term Newsletter - 2WB letter

Y2 Autumn Term KIRFsY2 Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser - Place Value 

Spring Term:

2PC Spring Term Curriculum Overview

2WB Spring Term Curriculum Overview

Y2 Spring Term KIRFs

Summer Term:






reading and phonics

Reading is a gift. It can take you to places you have never been to without you leaving your chair. Year 2 is crucial in the development of children as readers. We continue to build on phonics and spelling from Year 1, as well as develop word reading and fluency. We do this by having a daily reading and phonics lesson in Year 2. We aim to hear each child read each and every week. We understand that fluency is not everything. We know that we must also understand what we are reading and what is being read to us. We focus on developing comprehension skills. Whole class reading help us to develop core comprehension skills such as: draw on knowledge of vocabulary to understand texts, identify/explain key aspects of fiction and non-fiction texts, such as characters, events, titles and information, identify and explain the sequence of events in texts, make inferences from the text and predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.

In our classrooms, we have a reading corner with a large range of different books and we also have class texts that we read together because hearing a story is magical and a will remain in our hearts and heads for a lifetime.

We place huge trust in our parents to support us and their children in listening to their child read as much as possible at home and to record the reading in our home/school reading records. We recommend that our parents and carers hear their child read at least four times a week and we reward those children that do.


Y2 Long Term Plan Reading Spine Spring 2023



Writing is everywhere we look and we want all our pupils to be competent and confident writers. We reinforce that all our pupils should be proud of their writing and take great pride in their work. We follow a structured approach to our English lessons where we look at a genre of text through reading before looking at the spelling, grammar and punctuation within a text. We then start to plan, draft and then write a final written copy of our best writing in our writing books. Our amazing writers will have their work displayed in the classroom or around the school.



We use a mastery approach to maths and we want every child to be confident when working in maths lessons. We work on small steps to build upon what has been learnt in Year 1. Within a lesson, children will start on fluency, reasoning and build their depth of understanding.
We use ICT to develop our knowledge of times tables, primarily using Times Table Rockstars where we aim to become Times Table Rock Legends!



Using ICT is something we learn to do more of in Year 2. We explore exactly what a computer is by identifying and learning how inputs and outputs work. We continue to develop our computational thinking skills as we develop our understanding of algorithms and debugging. We learn about work processing and develop touch typing skills as well as learning some important keyboard shortcuts. We explore the app Scratch JR to programme a familiar story and we create storyboarding and simple animations using devices with cameras.




We enjoy the varied work and investigations that science lessons bring. We enjoy working in a team and thinking of questions that we can investigate through performing different experiments. We work together to measure different outcomes and come up with conclusions and reasons as to why something has happened.



wider curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to develop the whole child and provide opportunities to harness and develop all talents and interests. Where we can, we utilise the outdoor areas we have around school to enhance learning opportunities. Through provision and teaching, we ensure all aspects of the curriculum are broad and balanced. We make use of a wide range of teaching and learning approaches. We invite leaders into school from around the local area to share with the children what they do. We plan school visits that complement our curriculum to enhance the pupils’ learning further. Our curriculum is designed to develop children into rounded individuals with a rich and deep understanding of the world around them.



parents as partners

We recognise the importance of and value parental involvement in the life of the school. In Year 2, we are therefore committed to establishing and maintaining an effective and purposeful working relationship between the school and home.

Parents/Carers are the most important influence in a child’s life. Any educational initiative can only be fully effective if there is partnership between parents, children and providers. We rely on parents to ensure the pupils complete all the homework they are set, to listen to your child read at least four times a week and to engage with the different parental meetings that we offer in Year 2.

By working together, we can make a positive and meaningful difference to the pupils’ education.


end of year expectations

The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress.

All the objectives will be worked on throughout the year and will be the focus of direct teaching and investigation. Any extra support you can provide in helping your children to achieve these is greatly valued.


  • Compare and order numbers up to 100 and use < > =.
  • Read and write all numbers to 100 in digits & words.
  • Say 10 more/less than any number to 100.
  • Count in steps of 2, 3 & 5 from zero and in 10s from any number (forwards and backwards).
  • Recall and use multiplication & division facts for 2, 5 & 10 tables.
  • Recall and use +/- facts to 20 (18+2=20 20-2 = 18).
  • Derive and use related facts to 100 (8+2=10 80+20=100)
  • Recognise place value of any 2-digit number (HTO)
  • Add & subtract:

               - 2-digit numbers & ones

               - 2-digit numbers & tens

               - Two 2-digit numbers

               - Three 1-digit numbers

  • Recognise and use inverse (+/-) (15+5 = 20 so 20-5=15).
  • Calculate and write multiplication & division calculations using multiplication tables.
  • Recognise, find, name and write 1/3; 1/4; 2/4; 3/4.
  • Write and recognise equivalence of simple fractions 1/2=2/4.
  • Tell time to five minutes, including quarter past/to.


  •  Write different kinds of sentence: statement, question, exclamation, command.
  • Use expanded noun phrases to add description and specification (old, brown shoe).
  • Write using subordination (when, if, that, because) and co-ordination (or, and, but).
  • Correct and consistent use of present tense & past tense. (ed and ing)
  • Correct use of verb tenses was/were etc.
  • Write with correct and consistent use of:

               - capital letters

               - full stops

               - question marks

               - exclamation marks

  • Use commas in a list.
  • Use apostrophe to mark omission and singular possession in nouns.
  • Write under headings.
  • Write lower case letters (a,b,c) correct size relative to one another.
  • Show evidence of diagonal and horizontal strokes to join handwriting.


  • Recognise simple recurring literary language (Once upon a time, happily ever after, Long ago)
  • Read ahead to help with fluency and expression.
  • Comment on plot, setting & characters in familiar & unfamiliar stories.
  • Recount main themes and events in some detail.
  • Comment on the structure of the text.
  • Follow commas, question marks and exclamation marks to vary expression.
  • Read aloud with expression and intonation.
  • Recognise:

            - commas in lists

            - apostrophe of omission and possession (singular noun) (don’t and boy’s)

  • Identify past/present tense and why the writer has used a tense.
  • Use content and index to locate information.
  • Navigate confidently around a non-fiction text using the contents and index accurately.