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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Cavendish Primary School


Cavendish Primary School aims to provide a safe, caring and happy environment ensuring pupils develop a love of learning and a confidence that everyone can succeed. We strive to ensure all pupils feel valued, cared for, encouraged and equipped for learning and life in modern Britain. We endeavour to make our opportunities challenging, exciting, and creative through following the statutory curriculum that we are required to teach whilst adapting it to the needs of all our pupils and our environment. Through the social and academic opportunities within our innovative curriculum pupils are nurtured and encouraged to grow both socially and academically, achieving the highest standards and making the best possible progress.

At Cavendish we want to inspire our children to try their best (and be confident to make mistakes) and thrive as part of our inclusive environment regardless of sex, culture, race, background or disability to support their future journey and foster a lifelong love of learning.



At Cavendish our Core School Values work alongside our British Values to underpin everything we do. We:

Respect    Grow      Believe      Achieve 

Empowering and Inspiring Lifelong learners to achieve a better tomorrow!

 By RESPECT we mean that everyone

  • values all members of the school community
  • treats others as we would wish to be treated
  • follows the school policies and expectations
  • displays good manners at all times
  • displays consideration and tolerance of others with different points of view and beliefs
  • shows respect for the school buildings, resources and surrounding environment

By GROW we mean that everyone

  • is ambitions and demonstrates the determination to improve
  • works hard for Cavendish to be the best that it can be

 By BELIEVE we mean that everyone

  • is determined to succeed and never gives up
  • tries their best in all aspects of school life
  • shows resilience
  • has goals and knows they will be supported to achieve these

 By ACHIEVE we mean that everyone

  • produces work of the highest quality, always doing their best
  • is proud of their personal achievements and the achievements of others
  • sets high standards and personal goals for improvement