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company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Cavendish Primary School

Special Days

For our Maths Day celebrations this year we focused on problem solving and the work of Piet Mondrian. Our work was created at home and school due to the National Lockdown, meaning we had a mixture of Remote and School Learning. I am sure you will agree everyone produced fabulous work and I was very proud of everyone and the completed maths work.

Working In Partnership With Parents 

We have held some parental sessions for our parents from EYFS, Year One and Year Two. In the sessions, we discussed how we currently teach maths in school and have introduced a homework initiative which has been developed by NCETM Mastering Number Project. It was fabulous to meet everyone and talk about our maths journey at Cavendish. It was great to see the children engaging with their visitors and enjoying the activities.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support with helping your child to become magical Mathematicians, it is much appreciated.

Mrs Davis - Maths Lead.

Year One

Year Two


National Numeracy Day 2023


On Wednesday 17th May, we celebrated National Numeracy Day which is a national celebration throughout the UK designed to emphasise the importance of maths in our daily lives. 

Throughout school, we concentrated on writing poems and raps with a focus on maths. Please have a look at some of the wonderful work produced by the children.



As always, I am very proud of all of the children and their teachers for all of the fantastic maths which happen at Cavendish. 

Well done all! 

Further information for parents can be found at: 

National Numeracy Day - 17 May 2023 

Mrs Davis 😊 




Clink the links below for Twitter videos of our Numeracy Raps










Maths Week 2021

Maths Newsletter


 Maths Day 2021

Why an artist? Look at the picture below – what maths can you see within it?

We found angles and different types of lines. Mondrian’s work consists of quadrilaterals too!


Can you name the different types of lines, angles and quadrilaterals?


During the day, we created our own pieces of Artwork in the style of Mondrian – come and take a look. We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoyed creating them.


The answer is 10.

The questions could be?

Faye came up with the following solutions:


Georgia came up with the following solutions:

Isabelle came up with the following solutions:

Judah came up with the following solutions:


Judah also created some word problems for us to solve.

Sonic had 20 gold rings. He gave 10 to Tails. How many did he have left?

Sonic had 10 gold rings left.

Shadow had 30 red stars. He gave 20 to Sonic. How many did Shadow have?

Shadow had 10 red stars left.

Tails had 60 pairs of goggles. He gave 10 pairs to Sonic then he gave 30 pairs to Aimee. He also gave 5 to Shadow and 5 to Knuckles. How many pairs did Tails have left?

Tails had 10 pairs left.


Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Friday 30th April 2021 would have been Captain Sir Tom’s 101st birthday and the one-year anniversary of the extraordinary celebrations that followed the conclusion of his famous walk that raised an incredible £38.9 million for the NHS. Tom’s simple message of hope – “Tomorrow will be a good day” – resonated around the globe during some of the darkest days of the pandemic, bringing light and comfort to millions worldwide. 

To mark the above occasion, the children took part in the Captain Tom 100 challenge as part of our daily maths activities. It was a whole school event with each class taking part in maths activities based around the number 100.

Parents and carers were also invited to celebrate his life and honour by taking on their own Captain Tom 100 – at anytime and anywhere over Captain Tom’s birthday weekend, starting on Friday 30th April through to Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May. 

The children took part in the following activities:

  • EYFS used their counting skills to work as a team to count to 100.
  • Year 1 played snakes and ladders on a hundred grid, and created a fitness circuit, completing 10 reps of different activities: including star jumps; throwing and catching and jumping, until they reached 100.
  • Year 2 completed a circuit of the playground 100 times! Each child had a partner and worked in a relay of undertaking 50 laps each, they completed an amazing total of 100 laps in their pairs. The children kept count of how many laps they had done by using tallies in a chart.
  • Year 3 read aloud for 100 seconds (taking turns) and marched 100 times outside.
  • Year 4 measured the mass of objects and tried to find things which weighed 100g.
  • Year 5 used tennis rackets - trying to complete a 100-pass rally in pairs!
  • Year 6 pupils worked on perimeters using 100 cm string to see how many different shapes they could create and name.

The children enjoyed commemorating this very special event and had fun with their active learning.

Well done everyone.

Looking forward to our future Maths Challenges!

Mrs Davis (Maths Lead)

Year 1 Captain Tom Challenge

We designed a fitness circuit where we came up with 10 different activities that we could do 10 reps of so that we could reach 100.

We then completed each activity, counting the 10 reps and checking after each activity using our multiples of 10 to see when we reached 100.

We did walking, running, skipping, side steps, throwing a ball to a partner, kicking a ball to a partner, aim throwing, pencil jumps, star jumps and push ups.

1G Captain Tom Challenge

 We played snakes and ladders on a 100 grid. Counting our jumps forward and reading the numbers we land on – making comparisons of greater and smaller numbers.



CapTom for website