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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Cavendish Primary School



Cavendish Reading Documents: 

English Policy

Reading Curriculum Statement

Reading Non Negotiables

Reading Information Leaflet

Long Term Plan Reading Spines:

EYFS Long Term Plan Reading Spine

Year 1 Long Term Plan Reading Spine

Year 2 Long Term Plan Reading Spine

Year 3 Long Term Plan Reading Spine

Year 4 Long Term Plan Reading Spine

Year 5 Long Term Plan Reading Spine

Year 6 Long Term Plan Reading Spine

How We Teach Reading

Reading Aims

Teaching children to read is one of the most important aspects of every child’s learning.

Children need to be taught the knowledge and skills to become confident and effective readers so that they can read for both pleasure and information.

We want the children in our school to:

  • make choices about the sorts of texts they enjoy
  • read between the lines and behind the images
  • read fluently and with understanding a range of different kinds of reading material, using reading methods that are appropriate to the material and the reading purpose
  • use a full range of reading cues (phonics, grammar and context)
  • to gain library skills
  • to enjoy reading books
  • to use reading skills to search for information

At Cavendish Primary School we believe that when home and school work in partnership together pupils can benefit from this support to make more progress reading fluency, confidence and understanding.


Reading Skills:

Phonics is taught systematically in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2, where needed, in Year 3 through the Read Write Inc programme. 

We know that phonic understanding is only part of the process of developing reading and that once children can recognise and pronounce words with growing confidence, that there are additional skills that need to be learnt and practised. These include: summarising stories, clarifying understanding, predicting, skimming & scanning as well as inferring & deducing.

Guided Reading:

Children have the opportunity to read or be read to everyday across the curriculum. Children learn through guided reading sessions and through reading whole class texts. Guided reading involves small groups reading books matched to their level of attainment with opportunities for reading aloud, predicting events, discussing the plot and characters and undertaking a range of oral and written tasks. Class texts provide lots of opportunity for discussion, building up reading stamina and the key skills of retrieval, inference and summarising in both oral and written tasks. Children are exposed to new vocabulary and understand the impact of language and structure on the audience. 

We source books from a range of schemes, choosing the most appropriate texts for the children and use the Hull library service for half termly class texts and resources to support our reading spine. 

As the children progress their reading skills they move away form the school reading scheme books on to selecting their own reading books to take home. We encourage children to make independent book choices, that we hope will inspire and excite them to engage in reading independently, and read for pleasure in their own leisure time.


Reading Resources:

We source books from a range of schemes, choosing the most appropriate texts for the children e.g Oxford Reading Tree.

As the children progress their reading skills they move on to selecting their own reading books to take home. We encourage children to make independent book choices, that we hope will inspire and excite them to engage in reading independently, and read for pleasure in their own leisure time.

Additional Approaches:

We use additional materials to support reading where this is need through interventions such as phonic awareness (teaching children to blend and segment sounds), small group guided reading, one to one pupil: adult sessions and reading comprehension groups. We also use teacher assessment and marking of work to identify areas in which pupils need additional support.

In addition to class-based reading, children can also develop their enjoyment for reading throughout school. They have the opportunity to access the school library to choose from a wider range of books on a weekly basis and children in higher year groups have the opportunity to become library monitors. Every classroom has reading resources which further promote and encourage reading for pleasure.