School meals
The price of school dinners is £1.50 per day, for all children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) which can be paid via the My Child at School App/Website.
However, all children in Key Stage 1 (EYFS to Year 2) are still entitled to a free school meal under the Government's Universal Infant Free School Meal program, when they are in school only.
If you need help with the cost of school dinners please use the link below to apply for Free School Meals directly to Hull City Council. They will then inform us of the start date of your child's eligibility.
The Government continues to support families who are eligible for Free School Meals during some school holidays by issuing vouchers that can be spent in specific locations.
Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch, but we do request no glass bottles, cans or sweets be included in the lunch box and we ask all parents to be aware that we are a nut free school. Please label your child's lunchbox clearly with their name.
School Menus
School Menu October 2024 - March 2025 (please note after every school break we start again on Week 1):
Healthy Lifestyles at Cavendish
At Cavendish, we will support pupils to eat healthily and keep hydrated while in school. We also aim to teach pupils to make healthy food and drink choices using the curriculum to reflect these principles in the school's food menu and cooking provisions.
We acknowledge the important connection between a healthy diet and a pupil's ability to learn, concentrate and achieve high standards in school. We are committed to promoting a lasting healthy lifestyle for everyone.
Pupils in EYFS and Key Stage 1 have access to a piece of fruit or a healthy snack each morning break. We encourage the children to drink water through the school day so that they are hydrated and able to learn.
At lunch and break times the pupils are encouraged to be active through the range of activities on offer including the daily mile. There are also a number of extra-curriculum clubs on offer including external sports from Pelican Sports.