Welcome to our Remote Education page!
Cavendish Primary School has worked hard to ensure we provide an effective blended learning offer to ensure all pupils are able to access high quality learning both at home and at school.
Through our remote learning offer we continue to provide an ambitious and broad curriculum across all subjects that allows access to high-quality online and offline resources that are linked to the school’s curriculum expectations equivalent length to the DfE expectations. (EYFS – up to 3 hours, Key Stage One – 3 hours and Key Stage 2 – 4 hours). We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school, wherever possible.
Pupils are taught a well-planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject so there are high levels of attainment and progress. A daily timetable, a set of non-negotiables and marking and feedback expectations have been developed and are followed by all staff. Pupils are delivered a teacher led curriculum that aligns as closely as possible with in-school provision following the schools Medium Term Plans and National Curriculum and is targeted to the needs of the individual child. Pupils are provided with frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher or through high-quality curriculum resources or videos from other sites or platforms.
Teachers gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum offer, through marking and feedback of work uploaded onto the Google Classroom or Tapestry platforms, assessments, quizzes and other suitable tasks. Teachers adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding, in the same way they would in the school classroom.
Google Classroom and Google Meet are used in Years 1-6. This is a safe school virtual ‘Classroom to streamline assignments, allow collaboration and foster communication between the teacher and the pupil. The classroom is available on the web or by a mobile app. It can be accessed on most devices. The platform provides enables teachers to provide a daily Google Meet session with the pupils as a ‘live lesson’ and opportunity to interact. It allows teachers to upload teaching videos and resources for pupils to access in their own ‘classroom’.
Tapestry and Teams are used in EYFS as our online platform for communicating with pupils/parents and uploading teaching videos and tasks for pupils to complete their online curriculum from Phonics, to Maths to Physical Education. The tool enables the teacher to upload teaching videos, such a Phonics lessons delivered in the same way they would in school and tasks for pupils to complete in the same format they would use in school.
If you have an iPhone or an iPad you actually have a scanner! Parents/carers if you are planning to scan any work to send to the teachers you can use the ‘Notes App.’
Open a new note, press the camera button, the option to scan a document will pop up. Once the document is scanned, you can email it easier than a photograph, plus you can add notes to the scanned document.
Please see our Online Safety page for guidance on how to ensure your child is using technology safely and useful tips.
Our Remote Education Journey Video
Important Information/Policies
Google Classroom Learning Guidance for Parents/Carers
Isolating Information for Parents and Carers
Screen Free Half Term Activities
Screen Free Half Term Information
Over half-term we would like to give the children the opportunity to have some time away from their screens and technology. The children have worked so hard on their Google Classroom and Tapestry platforms and we are extremely grateful for the help and support families have provided in assisting with our remote learning offer. We would therefore like the children to have the opportunity to have time away from their screens spending quality time with their families doing a range of ‘non-screen’ activities over the half-term. We have identified a range of activities for you to undertake and would love to hear all about what you have done and see some pictures when we return to school. Can you do all 25 listed below? What other screen free activities have you completed?
EYFS & KS1 Screen Free Half Term Ideas
KS2 Screen Free Half Term Ideas
Google Classroom Guides
Please see below a video guide on How to Understand Google Classroom for Parents/Carers.
How to Upload and Hand In your Work on Google Classroom
Miss Wardall and Miss Furniss have kindly put together 2 videos on how to upload and hand in work to Google Classroom.
Video 1:
Video 2:
Tapestry Guide for Parents/Carers
Tapestry Guide for Parents/Carers
Bug Club
Bug Club is a powerful reading programme that is proven to raise attainment in reading and spelling and is loved by over a million children world-wide.
Children from EYFS to Year 3 will have their own login details to Bug Club and will have the opportunity to use Bug Club at home. Class teachers are able to select a range of books appropriate for your child to read independently.
These books will appear in children’s ‘My Stuff’ area on their personal homepages.
Throughout the books there are comprehension quiz questions which children should complete. To answer a question, click on the Bug icon.
When children have finished all of the quiz questions in a book, they will earn coins which they can then spend on ‘rewards’ in one of the reward areas accessed via their homepage.
All completed books move to the ‘My Library’ area of children’s homepages. Children can read these books again if they want to, or they can choose new books from their ‘My Stuff’ area.
My Maths
My Maths is our online Maths homework program, which provides pupils with differentiated tasks to practise the key mathematical concepts and facts. Pupils are assigned weekly online Maths tasks by their teacher, which are marked once completed.
The Spelling Shed
Spelling Shed is our spelling scheme. It is a spelling curriculum that is divided into stages, each stage corresponding to the respective school year. Within each stage there are weekly objectives and spelling lists that give a steady progression through the curriculum as well as review and challenge lists to extend vocabulary. Pupils work through a range of spelling related tasks in school focusing on the weeks spelling rules. These spellings are to be practised daily at home through the Spelling Shed APP.
Times Tables Rock Stars
In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Teachers recognise how fundamental times table recall speed is to later success in maths lessons; yet it's not always easy finding engaging ways to do daily practice. TTRockstars provides an appealing and interactive platform to enable pupils to practise their times tables set at a level to suit their needs. Incorrect answers are always immediately corrected in front of the pupil so that they start to associate the correct answer to every question. The clever code behind the scenes works out which times tables facts each pupil is consistently taking longer to answer and then it gradually starts to present these facts more frequently until pupils have mastered them. It will also ask related division questions 20% of the time in order to reinforce division facts. All pupils from Year 1 upwards are provided with log on details and the program works on a range of mobile devices.
Helpful Links for Additional Home Learning Resources - Consisting of lots of educational games which children can play online. - For developing children's vocabulary skills.