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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Cavendish Primary School


Good attendance and punctuality are essential if pupils are to take advantage of the opportunities our school offers and to gain the appropriate life skills.

We believe that the most important factor in promoting exemplary attendance is the development of positive attitudes towards school. To this end, we strive to make our school a happy and rewarding experience for all children. 

We will also make the best provision we can for those children who, for whatever reason, are prevented from coming to school through longer term illness.

Our school aims to achieve excellent attendance and punctuality through good working relationships between staff, pupils, parents/carers, the attendance officers and the Educational Welfare Service working well together.

All staff will encourage excellent attendance and liaise with parents as appropriate and our Safeguarding, Well-being and Attendance Officer and Admin Attendance Lead will work closely with families where attendance and punctuality are causing concern.

As your child's attendance is very important to them succeeding at Cavendish Primary School, the Horizon Academy Trust are working with the company 'SOL Education' to support our vision of improving standards in attendance to improve standards in attainment and progress

The national average attendance figures are 96%.



Weekly Attendance Heroes 

Week Ending 31st January, 2025: 

FS 95.42% 1H 94.29%
2PC 94.67% 2WB 91.88%
3F 98.08% 3/4M 96.92%
4D 97.50% 5S 97.04%
5/6D 93.79%  6C 95.86%
TOTAL: 95.45%

 Our Attendance Heroes This Week Are: 3F, Well Done!


 Termly Attendance Heroes

Autumn Term 1, 2024



Spring Term 1, 2025


Summer Term 1, 2025


Autumn Term 2, 2024



Spring Term 2, 2025


Summer Term 2, 2025



Full Autumn Term, 2024



Full Spring Term, 2025


Full Summer Term, 2025



A big well done to all our classes! Keep up the good work!


2023-2024 yearly attendance heros are:



Cavendish Attendance Vision



Empower all staff, pupils and families to take responsibility for attendance through the creation of our clear school vision for attendance underpinned by high expectations and our core values. All pupils to attend school regularly within a high-quality learning environment. High Persistent Absence will be tackled to promote and improve attendance, further independence and a lifelong love of learning.

Attendance Policy

Attendance Newsletters

SOL Attendance Launch Letter

Autumn Term - Weekly

Attendance Newsletter 1

Attendance Newsletter 2

Attendance Newsletter 3

Attendance Newsletter 4

Attendance Newsletter 5

Attendance Newsletter 6

Attendance Newsletter 7

Attendance Newsletter 8 - Half Termly Newsletter

Attendance Newsletter 9

Attendance Newsletter 10

Attendance Newsletter 11

Attendance Newsletter 12

Attendance Newsletter 13

Attendance Newsletter 14 - Autumn Term

Spring Term - Weekly

Attendance Newsletter 15

Attendance Newsletter 16

Attendance Newsletter 17

Attendance Newsletter 18


Summer Term - Weekly

At Cavendish Primary School, we aim to;

  • aspire towards and then maintain an attendance rate of a minimum of 96.5%
  • continue to raise and maintain parents’ and pupils’ awareness of the importance of regular attendance
  • challenge all absences that do not meet the criteria for being authorized
  • reward attendance

We know that you, as your child’s parent/carer, want your child to get on well in life. Children only get one chance at school, and your child’s chances of a successful future may be affected by not attending school every day on time.

When children do not attend or are late, they:

  • struggle to keep up with school work
  • miss out on the social side of school life, and poor attendance can affect children’s ability to make and keep friendships, which is a vital part of growing up. 

Number of days absent from school

Child’s attendance at the end of the year

If your child has 1 day off school during the year

…their attendance will be 99.5%

If your child has 2 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 99%

If your child has 5 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 97.4%

If your child has 10 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 95%

If your child has 15 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 92.4%

If your child has 20 or more days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 90% or below

Number of minutes late every day

Days lost over the year

If your child is 5 minutes late every day

…they will lose 3 days of school

If your child is 10 minutes late every day

…they will lose 6.5 days of school

If your child is 15 minutes late every day

…they will lose 10 days of school

If your child is 20 minutes late every day

…they will lose 13 days of school

If your child is 25 minutes late every day

…they will lose 19 days of school

At Cavendish, we aim for 100% attendance and punctuality; 97% is the absolute minimum expected.  Should your child’s attendance fall below 90% or their punctuality cause us concern our Attendance Team will contact you, and your child’s attendance and punctuality will be monitored.