Our School Council
The School Council are the nominated class members who are the voice of their class. Pupils from Year Two to Six work as a group have their ideas heard and to implement change. Every September, each class (from Year Two upwards) takes a vote to decide who will be their school councillors to represent their class for the year. The School Council uses an election process to ensure that children start to gain an understanding of democracy. Their main job is to respond to requests from the school classes, the Head of School and members of the community.
Being a school councillor requires commitment, enthusiasm and good ideas to help make the school a fantastic place to be! They take their responsibilities seriously, discussing suggestions fairly and know when a suggestion is not sensible/possible. Their role is to support pupils of all ages working as a team to ensure Cavendish allows all its pupils to demonstrate the ethos and ‘Respect, Grow, Believe and Achieve!’
The School Council is supported by Miss Jones-Wedgner (Safeguarding, Well-Being and Attendance Officer) and Mrs Reynolds (HLTA and Well-Being) and meets several times a term, to discuss a variety of issues and implement new initiatives.
The school Council have been involved in planning and helping with stalls at school fairs, running competitions, leading assemblies, discussing school policies, surveying their classes and even helping to interview for new staff members.