Religious Education and World Views Curriculum Intent
School’s within Horizon Academy Trust follow the East Riding and Hull Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in accordance with the East Riding’s ‘Standing Advisory Council of Religious Education’ (SACRE).
In accordance with the agreed syllabus, Religious Education at Horizon Academy Trust:
- Is open and objective. It does not seek to urge religious beliefs on young people, nor compromise the integrity of their own religious position by promoting one tradition over another.
- Endeavours to promote a positive attitude toward people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs from their own.
- Promotes the values and attitudes necessary for citizenship in a multi-faith and multi-racial society through developing understanding of, respect for, and dialogue with people of different beliefs, practices, races and cultures.
- Recognises similarities and differences in commitment, self-understanding and the search for truth. Respecting and valuing these for the common good.
- Is not the same as collective worship, which has its own place in the educational life of the school, contributing to an informed, reflective, compassionate and caring school community.
- Recognises and celebrates the range of cultures and diversity of the school through workshops, assemblies and shared experiences of staff, children and people from the local community.
The RE curriculum at Cavendish is organised to support the development of children’s knowledge of religious and non-religious beliefs and worldviews, practices and ways of life and enable children to make links between these. It also develops children’s knowledge and understanding of the different members of our rich and diverse community.
Knowledge and skills are supported by first-hand experiences, including visits to local places of worship and visits from faith communities. Knowledge and skills are mapped to support children’s understanding of religion and faith. The RE curriculum is also designed to support positive attitudes and values, and encourage children to reflect and relate learning to their own experience. Children learn that there are those who do not hold religious beliefs and have their own philosophical perspectives, as part of its commitment to ensure mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths.
The syllabus recommends that any themes or ‘Big Questions’ are explored by investigating and reflecting on the responses of more than one religion or belief system. All the units therefore include an exploration of these themes or big questions through different perspectives. Each unit encourages and promotes the contemplation of key concepts or themes within religions and comparing these with responses in other faiths, religions and belief systems.
The syllabus has been created in a cyclical format to enable children to revisit and build on prior knowledge of the different beliefs and practices taught across the school.
The curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils develop religious literacy through:
- Knowing about and understanding a range of religions and worldviews, learning to see these through the disciplines of Theology, Philosophy and Social Sciences
- Expressing ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religion and worldviews through a multidisciplinary approach whilst engaging critically with them
- Gaining and deploying skills taken from the disciplines of Theology, Philosophy and Social Sciences to enhance learning about religions and different worldviews
World views
The inclusion of worldviews enables young people to connect with religion(s) in a much more profound and inclusive way. A worldviews approach enables pupils to explore and gain ownership of their own perspectives, fitting new understanding into their existing mental framework. Pupils then learn about religion and beliefs through connecting and contrasting them with their own way of seeing the world.
At Cavendish Primary School, we are committed to providing our children with an exciting and positive learning environment, in which they have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of religions to support their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.What is a worldview?
A worldview is a person's way of understanding, experiencing and responding to the world. It can be described as a philosophy of life or an approach to life. This includes how a person understands the nature of reality and their own place in the world. A person's worldview is likely to influence and be influences by their beliefs, values, behaviours, experiences, identities and commitments.
Institutional worldviews include religious and non-religious worldviews, such as Humanism, Secularism or Atheism. Personal worldviews are an individual's own wat of understanding and living in the world, which may or may not draw one, or many, institutional worldviews. Commissions on Religious Education, 2018.
Religions and Worldviews Taught at Cavendish Primary School
EYFS | A variety of faiths |
Year 1 & 2 | Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism |
Year 3 & 4 | Christianity, Sikhism, Humanism |
Year 5 & 6 | Christianity, Islam, Atheism |
Religious Education and World Views Curriculum Implementation
Coverage, following the agreed syllabus, is planned to link with key dates and religious festivals to provide opportunities to celebrate festivals and religions with greater consistency and contextual relevance. Work is recorded in topic books and is evidenced with a variety of outcomes, including written pieces, artwork and photographs.
As children progress through the programme of study, they are able to look deeper into spiritual, ethical, moral and social issues and with increasing breadth across different religions and worldviews through time and around the world.
Three mutually supportive disciplines have been identified (lenses) which help pupils to see Religious Education and world views form different perspectives, giving a balanced approach to teaching and learning. These lenses are:
Learning is planned and sequenced to support pupils in building an ever-increasing picture over time, constantly building their knowledge and understanding of key subject knowledge and specialist vocabulary around concepts. This ensures that the investigation, exploration and reflection of their own and others’ responses to ‘Big Questions’ can continuously increase in depth, breadth and complexity.
As pupils move through the Religious Education curriculum these ‘Big Questions’ increase in complexity, depth and breadth, the expectations of pupils to explain ‘what’ the beliefs, practices and values are and the relationships between them, as well as explaining ‘why’ these are important and may make a difference to people, and ‘how’ they relate, change or impact on a wider world view also increases.
Rationale for sequencing and coverage in Religious Education and world views
At all key stages more time should be spent on Christianity than on any other individual religion or worldview ‘to reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian’ (Education Act 1988). Therefore, Christianity is taught as one of the principal religions in KS1, lower KS2 and upper KS2.
The religions chosen have been selected to give our pupils depth in knowledge in a range of contrasting religions and world views, practices and ways of life and enable children to make links between these. It also develops children’s knowledge and understanding of the different members of our rich and diverse community.
Religions feature prominently in other aspects of the school curriculum e.g. through History and PSHE. The assembly rota also has been planned to widen pupil’s knowledge and understanding within religions and world views that are not necessarily covered within curriculum time.
At Cavendish we strive to provide children with opportunities to demonstrate their strengths and leadership skills as well as work collaboratively with others. One of those ways is as a Religion and Worldviews ambassador.
We are thrilled to announce that the following children have been chosen as our RWV ambassadors. RWV ambassadors are role models within our school who are keen to promote religious education across the school. It is a real achievement to be chosen to represent the school as an ambassador and as a school, we feel that this role helps children show their leadership qualities.
Our RWV Ambassadors 2023-24
Class |
Ambassadors |
1M |
Ryan and Jorgie |
1H |
Faris and Hallie |
2PC |
Felicity and Milo |
2WB |
Noah and Isla |
3F |
Abigail and Jacob |
3/4 M |
Dominic and Evelyn |
4D |
Annie and Sienna |
5S |
Jaime and Isaac |
5/6 D |
Harrison and Annie |
6C |
Theodore and Charlie |
Their role includes:
- Supporting in assemblies/reading the prayer.
- Contributing to school newsletters.
- Welcoming parents to assemblies/Carol services.
- Promoting RWV both within school and within the local community.
- Encouraging peers to complete their class reflection book – KS1
- Meeting to discuss charity events (supporting the school council).
- Making posters etc to support charity events.
RE Policy, Curriculum Statement and Long Term Plan:
Religion and World Views Policy
Religion and World Views Collecting Worship Overview
Religion and World Views Long Term Plan