Jigsaw & PSHRE
At Cavendish, PSHRE is a priority for all staff. Each class completes a ‘Jigsaw’ PSHRE lesson on a Monday every week delivered by class teachers.
There is a ‘puzzle’ each half term that every class learns about with the help of their class ‘Jigsaw friend’.
Jigsaw helps the children to learn about:
- themselves
- how to get on with other people
- how to stay healthy
- about keeping safe
- and about how to learn!
Jigsaw helps the children develop ‘mindfulness’, including giving them opportunities and ways to keep calm. Jerrie cat the new Jigsaw friend encourages the children to ‘pause for thought’ by showing us his paws!
Jigsaw lessons are in different parts:
- The Jigsaw Charter to help all children feel safe and respected.
- Connect Us is when the children will play some games.
- Calm Me time helps the children to relax and manage their feelings.
- Open My Mind will focus the children’s thoughts on the lesson topic.
- Tell Me or Show Me is when you will be taught new skills and
- Let Me Learn is where you will have a chance to put these into practice.
- Help Me Reflect is when you will be able to think about how you feel about your learning and your progress.
During our ‘Recovery curriculum’ at Cavendish we have also been using lessons from the ‘Jigsaw Recovery Package’ which help our children express any worries or concerns they may have about returning to school during this current environment as well as to encourage them to share their ‘lockdown’ experiences.
The wellbeing and emotional health of all children is also an important priority, as we understand that children need to be in the right ‘mind set’ to be able to complete tasks and be ready to learn. Additional wellbeing and mindfulness activities have been in place to help our children with their return to school.
Cavendish PSHRE Policy, Curriculum Statement & Long Term Plan:
PSHE Knowledge and Skills Progression
Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school:
RSE Primary Schools Guide for Parents