Cavendish Primary School
We are delighted to welcome you to the Cavendish Primary School website. We are a 2 form entry school located to the east of the city. We have a capacity of 420 children aged 4 to 11 including a 60 place Early Years Foundation Stage Unit.
We pride ourselves on providing a caring and nurturing environment where pupils experience a high quality provision in a fun and friendly environment.
At Cavendish we:
Respect, Grow, Believe, Achieve
Empowering and Inspiring lifelong learners to achieve a better tomorrow!
Miss Susan BrummittExecutive Head of Cavendish & Gillshill Primary Schools
Miss Susan Brummitt
Mrs Joanne RozenbroekHead of School
Mrs Joanne Rozenbroek
- The school provides a welcoming environment for my child. They are friendly and approachable. Lots of learning through play. Thomas enjoys doing PE and craft building.
- Parent of Thomas, EYFS
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